A calculation of how much revenue is lost by customers not renewing or canceling during a given period of time [1]
A typical “good” churn rate for SaaS companies that target small businesses is 3-5% monthly. The larger the businesses you target, the lower your churn rate has to be as the market is smaller. For an enterprise-level product, churn should be <1% monthly. [2]
A study from Recurly found that the average churn rate for businesses was 5% for B2B and 7.05% for B2C [3]
[1] Retrieved May 21, 2021, from https://www.salesforce.com/resources/articles/how-calculate-customer-churn-and-revenue-churn/
[2] Limited, C. . Retrieved May 21, 2021, from https://www.cobloom.com/blog/churn-rate-how-high-is-too-high
[3] Recurly Churn Rate Benchmarks, https://recurly.com/research/churn-rate-benchmarks/